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The GIFT programme’s main aim is to give young people the opportunity to Grow In Faith Together through a series of fun filled activities with their peers, parents and other adults. It is first and foremost a Parish based faith development programme and works to help forge links with Home and School. It gives young people a positive experience of their local Church - where they will experience that faith relates to all parts of life and become aware of God on their journey through life.

Each GIFT programme is a series of 5-6 weekly sessions, each ending with a GIFT Mass. Prayer is central to each night. The young people pray together at the beginning of the session and then later in the session, they pray and reflect on the spiritual theme of the evening. The activity is meaningful and chosen to also reflect the theme.

GIFT 1 (Year 8) takes place as a follow on from Confirmation. It explores how we each, live out the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, to be the best version of ourselves. The group reflect on how they can utilise these Gifts of the Spirit to
help them face all the challenges that comes with changing schools etc. The young people explore their gifts and talents, by learning Circus skills and then challenge themselves in an afternoon spent in the YMCA. The group explore their faith. They visit the Church, and receive a tour from Fr Jim, who highlights all the key pieces of architecture and furniture. He explains the symbolism behind them all. Following this, the group create their own stained-glass windows in an Arts and Crafts session. GIFT 1 like all programmes are filled with various games and a table quiz.

GIFT 2 (Year 9) Explores the theme of how we can care for ourselves and serve others. The focus is on fitness and healthy eating. There is a competitive ‘Team Challenge’ full of fun filled tasks testing speed, strength, agility and brains! The group work with copper in their Art session, producing religious symbols and designs. Their programme ends with a Scavenger hunt and celebration of Mass together with the Parish community.

GIFT 3 (Year 10) Explores the theme of community, their contribution to it both locally and globally. The programme starts with a session in the Parish Sacred Garden, learning about how to care for our world and ends with smores, as they reflect of what Pope Francis teaches in ‘Laudato Si.’ The games night in Gift 3 is centred around GIFT’s version of the gameshow ‘The Cube.’ Young people work in teams to complete the challenges. The Art session looks towards their future Pilgrimage as they create the banner which will be used while in Rome. It represents all that the young people associate with GIFT. Another popular session is the Treasure Hunt and visit to Nugelato!

The GIFT 4 programme takes place all year long as the group sign up and prepare for the opportunity to travel to the centre of their faith, Rome, having been a committed member of the programme for 3 years.

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