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Our Parish volunteers are the very lifeblood of our Parish community and are vital to our success. Please review the areas below for ways in which you can become involved in the Parish of Maghera. To learn more about the groups and ministries below,

please contact Brenda Webb on

078 4002 8461

Parish Group or Ministry

Description of Activity undertaken by Parish Group or Ministry

Weekday Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the smooth distribution of Holy Communion at Week day Masses. They may also bring the Blessed Sacrament to those who are sick or homebound.

Weekend Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers assist with the smooth distribution of Holy Communion at Sunday Mass. They may also bring the Blessed Sacrament to those who are sick or homebound.

Weekday Ministers of The Word

Ministers of the Word have a most important role in helping God's living word become food for the hungry, nourishment for disciples who are called to serve the world

Weekend Ministers of The Word

Ministers of the Word have a most important role in helping God's living word become food for the hungry, nourishment for disciples who are called to serve the world

Parish Finance Committee

The Parish Finance Committee assists the Parish Priest in the administration of parish temporal matters. An active, well-formed Parish Finance Committee is a key element for promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountability and assisting the Parish Priest with his temporal responsibilities.

Parish Pastoral Council 

The Parish Pastoral Council exists as a consultative body to help the Parish Priest consider pastoral and other works and to propose and co-ordinate practical measures for implementing them.

Parish Pastoral Council (Chair)

 The chairperson meets with the Parish Priest to prepare the agenda for each meeting. The chairperson or another member of the Parish Pastoral Council moderates the meeting of the PPC.

Parish Safeguarding Committee

The Safeguarding Committee in the Parish, plays a central role in assisting the Parish Priest, with implementation of the requirements of the Safeguarding Children and Young People policy and compliance with requirements of the child-safety standards frameworks.

Sacred Garden Committee

The Sacred Garden Committee assists the Parish Priest, with the ongoing maintenance and future development of the Sacred Garden.

GIFT Programme

The GIFT programme involves young people participating in faith sharing activities  with their peers, parents and other adults. This programme aims to give support and encouragement to parents as they minister to their children - supporting them in their journey

Altar Servers 

Altar Servers assist the priest at all weekend Masses and when available on weekdays. This ministry provides an opportunity for our young people to serve God and their parish family. It allows them to play an intricate role in the Mass itself and by their example they enable others to pray and enter into the mystery of the celebration. Boys and Girls serve at Mass on a regular scheduled basis.  

Pope John Paul Award

The Pope John Paul II Award is a faith achievement award for young people between the age of 16 and 18. It is non-competitive, inclusive, flexible and voluntary. Young people achieve their Award by taking part in parish and social activities – 1 hour per week over 8, 14 or 20 weeks.

Lay Fraternity of Blessed Brother Charles de Foucauld  

The Lay Fraternity of Blessed Brother Charles de Foucauld (sometimes known as Jesus Caritas Fraternity) is a prayer group that calls for deeper spirituality, following the example of smallness, humility and silent adoration, as exemplified by Brother Charles. Come and enjoy some sacred space to Relax, Pray and Meditate.

Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Virgin Mary wants the devotion to the Flame of Love of Her Immaculate Heart to spread throughout the world so that the greatest number of Her children may respond to Her urgent plea. Through the Flame of Love, we are all invited to take part in the Work of Salvation by blinding Satan, the source of all evil, and thus help the Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary to save souls.

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbour on a voluntary basis. The objective of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. Persons who wish to join the Legion must apply for membership in a Praesidium.

Rosary Group

Rosary for Priests

Weekday Rosary Group


Bereavement Ministry

Group Rosary prayer is the best way to pray the Rosary. In Sacred Scripture, Our Lord says: "For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" -Matthew 18:20

We pray for the safety and protection of all priests, especially missionary priests who carry the Gospel message into dangerous and sometimes violent areas of the world. We lift up, in a special way, those priests who will shed their blood for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Group Rosary prayer is the best way to pray the Rosary. In Sacred Scripture, Our Lord says: "For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" -Matthew 18:20

SPRED’s vision is to work within the Church to nourish accepting and inclusive communities for people with learning disabilities. SPRED offers people with learning disabilities;

  • Friendship, a personal friend who takes time to share life and faith; 

  • Spiritual Nurturing in a small community of faith; and a sense of

  • Belonging to a parish community where opportunities are created for active belonging.

The Bereavement Ministry serves families who have lost a loved one. The members of the ministry are trained to successfully implement our mission to give comfort and support to the grieving families of the parish community by giving them our time, hearing their thoughts and sharing their tears.

Children's Liturgy

Church Cleaners

Liturgy Group


Children's Liturgy is...

  • the proclamation of God’s Word with Children appropriate to their understanding.

  • a moment of salvation in which the living God communicates life to God’s children and in which they respond with awe, praise, thanksgiving and petition.

  • time to hear God’s Word at an appropriate level.

  • an opportunity to hear the Gospel message and consider how to practice it in life.

Cleaning church facilities and working with other maintenance team members and church staff to ensure that all areas are cleaned and stocked with necessary items.

The work of the parish liturgy group covers several key areas: Preparation For Sunday Mass and other celebrations, the liturgical books set out the order of service, opening prayer, prayer over the gifts and prayer after communion, and the readings for the day.

The role of the usher/greeter is one of offering a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to worship, of providing leadership during emergencies and performing such tasks as taking up the collection, presenting the gifts, assisting parishioners during Communion, disseminating the church bulletin and participating in cleaning the church after completion of the Mass.

Folk Choir

The Folk Choir is led by xxx and has as its mission statement: To lead and support the congregation in the celebration of Parish Liturgies. The choir is a mixed voice S.A.T.B. and has a range of material, from plainchant through to contemporary, that allows for congregational participation. The choir sings at the Vigil Mass each Saturday, at the Vigil Masses for Holy Days of Obligation, Carol Services, as well as at the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies.  The choir also sing, when requested at other liturgies such as funerals, weddings, Night Prayer and Benediction etc.

Senior Choir

Sunday Hospitality Team

Mid Week Hospitality Team

Catering Team

The Folk Choir is led by xxx and has as its mission statement: To lead and support the congregation in the celebration of Parish Liturgies. The choir is a mixed voice S.A.T.B. and has a range of material, from plainchant through to contemporary, that allows for congregational participation. The choir sings at the 11:30 Sunday Mass as well as at the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies.  

The Sunday Hospitality Team provides tea, coffee and scones for parishioners and visitors to the Parish, in the Parish Centre, after the 11:30 Sunday Mass

The Weekday Hospitality Team provides tea, coffee and scones for parishioners and visitors to the Parish, in the Parish Centre, after the 10:00 weekday Mass and on special occasions such as after the annual Mass for deceased parishioners.

The Catering Team provides tea, coffee and scones for parishioners and visitors to the Parish, in St. Patrick's Hall Bryansford, after funerals in the adjacent cemetery and on special occasions .

Altar Committee (Bryansford)

Chit Chat Club


The Bryansford Altar Committee provides fresh Altar linens and flowers for St. Patrick's Church in Bryansford. The Committee is also responsible for cleaning Altar vessels including candle sticks and chalices.

The Chit Chat Club is based in the Parish Centre and provides an opportunity for parishioners of any age especially those who are lonely to meet and mix with other parishioners over a friendly cup of tea or coffee.

Weekly games of Bingo are based in the Parish Centre and provides an opportunity for parishioners of any age especially those who are lonely to meet and mix with other parishioners over a 'competitive' game of Bingo!! 

Winter Warmer

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